Study for $, 2022 Colored pencil and pen on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for Deep Ends Depends, 2021 Ink on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for Genuine Engine, 2021 Ink and collage on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for May I May, 2021 Ink on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for Maybe, 2021 Ink on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for No I & No II, 2020 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for Now, 2021 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for OK, 2020 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 11 x 8.5 inches

Study for EI, 2022 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 8.5 x 11 inches

Study for NI, 2022 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 11 x 8.5 inches

Study for SI, 2022 Colored pencil, ink, and college on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for WI, 2022 Colored pencil, ink and collage on paper 9 x 12 inches

Study for Yes, 2020 Colored pencil and ink on paper 14 x 11 inches

Study for New Day I, 2020 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 11 x 14 inches

Study for New Day II, 2020 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 11 x 14 inches

Study for The Caretaker, 2020 Pen and collage on paper 14 x 11 inches

Study for The Changer, 2021 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 17 x 14 inches

Study for The Climber, 2016 Colored pencil and ink on paper 11 x 14 inches

Study for The Confidant, 2020 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 11 x 14 inches

Study for The Digger I, 2020 Colored pencil and ink on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for The Digger II, 2020 Colored pencil and ink on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for The Diver I, 2019 Colored pencil and ink on paper 8.5 x 11 inches

Study for The Diver II, 2019 Colored pencil and ink on paper 8.5 x 11 inches

Study for The Diver III, 2019 Colored pencil and ink on paper 9 x 12 inches

Study for The Gardener, 2019 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 11 x 8.5 inches

Study for The Gardener II, 2019 Colored pencil and ink on paper 14 x 11 inches

Study for The Griever, 2020 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 14 x 11 inches

Study for The Guide I, 2021 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for The Guide II, 2021 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 14 x 11 inches

Study for The Harvester I, 2020 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 14 x 11 inches

Study for The Harvester II, 2020 Colored pencil and ink on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for The Interpreter I, 2019 Colored pencil and ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches

Study for The Interpreter II, 2019 Colored pencil and ink on paper 9 x 12 inches

Study for The Joiner I, 2019 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 14 x 11 inches

Study for The Joiner II, 2020 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 14 x 17 inches

Study for The Journeyman, 2019 Colored pencil and ink on paper 11 x 8.5 inches

Study for The Lamplighter, 2023 Colored pencil and ink on paper 11 x 8.5 inches

Study for The Orbiter I, 2021 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 17 x 14 inches

Study for The Orbiter II, 2021 Colored pencil adn ink on paper 8.5 x 11 inches

Study for The Patrol, 2019 Ink on Paper 9 x 12 inches

Study for The Racer I, 2017 Colored pencil and ink on paper 17 x 14 inches

Study for The Racer II, 2017 Ink on paper 14 x 17 inches

Study for The Second Seraph I, 2019 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 14 x 17 inches

Study for The Second Seraph II, 2019 Colored pencil, ink and collage on paper 14 x 17 inches

Study for The Seraph, 2017 Colored pencil and ink on paper 14 x 17 inches

Study for The Speaker, 2017 Colored pencil and ink on paper 12 x 9 inches

Study for The Waiter, 2020 Ink on paper 14 x 11 inches

Study for Ms. Stone, 2018 Colored pencil, ink, and collage on paper 17 x 14 inches
Coming soon….